5.5 Text Hierarchy and Readability

Minimum type sizes are based on probable viewing distance for visitors who are in standing or sitting positions. Type size, positioning and angles of built exhibits and text panels meet the standards of legibility for visitors with low vision and for visitors with low vision lines, such as those in wheelchairs (see Figure 5.5.1).

A representation of text hierarchy and readability for visitors who are in standing or sitting positions
Figure 5.5.1

Text for exhibits is presented consistently in the following hierarchy (see Figure 5.5.2):

  • Text wall
  • Gallery introduction
  • Primary text
  • Context panel
  • Image captions and object labels
  • Secondary text (horizontal and vertical format)
A summary of type hierarchy

Positioning of the primary exhibit title
Figure 5.5.2

The typeface and font size for each stage of the hierarchy is followed consistently and is outlined in Table 1 below. Specific details and examples follow.

Title Subtitle Body Captions and Labels
Gallety Introduction Utopia Regular 700 pt Univers Bold, 94 pt (repeated) Univers Regular, 75pt
Word count 2-5 ENG 2-5 FR 85 ENG 100 FR
Primary Text Utopia Regular 250 pt Univers Bold, 63 pt Univers Regular, 50 pt
Word count 2-5 ENG & FR 5-8 ENG 5-10 FR 60 ENG 75 FR
Alclove Context Panel Utopia Regular 175 pt Univers Bold, 44 pt Univers Regular, 35 pt
Word count 2-5 ENG 2-5 FR 5-8 ENG 5-10 FR 100 ENG 125 FR
Secondary Text Utopia Regular 87 pt Univers Regular, 35 pt
Word count 2-5 ENG 2-5 FR 125 ENG 150 FR
Image Captions and Object Labels Univers Bold, 30 pt Univers Regular, 24 pt Univers Bold, Regular, Italic, 24 pt
Word count 2-5 ENG 2-5 FR 60 ENG 75 FR 17 ENG, 20 FR

Text Walls

Text walls are an integral part of the overall CMHR experience and complement individual exhibits. They begin the Museum’s side of a conversation with visitors about the ideas presented in the gallery (see Figure 5.5.3).

A representation of a museum wall with texts
Figure 5.5.3

Text for gallery introductions is composed of a title, which is repeated, and body text (see Figure 5.5.4).

Viewing distance and accessibility

Body text is displayed within our comfortable viewing zone (CVZ), which falls between 890 mm and 1,700 mm above floor finish (AFF) to ensure visibility by visitors who are either seated or standing. UAPs are located at 1,065 mm above the floor (see Figure 5.5.4).

A representation of body text underneath the main exhibit title
Figure 5.5.4

Exhibit gallery title text is set at 2-5 words for both English and French and is set in Utopia Regular, 700 pt. Exhibit gallery title text is consistently stacked, with the English text above the French text, with a clear divider space between the two text chunks.

The exhibit gallery title is repeated in Univers Bold, 94 pt and is set directly below the gallery title set in Utopia Regular, 700 pt and directly above the gallery body text (see Figure 5.5.6). This redundancy is important for access reasons. While the title is accessible given the manner in which it is lit, there are many variables that need to align for the title to be accessible, including the reading distance between large and smaller text.

A representation of exhibit title text
A representation of exhibit title text
Figure 5.5.6

Exhibit gallery body text is set at a maximum of 85 words in English and 100 in French and is set in Univers Regular, 75 pt. English and French body text is displayed adjacent to each other (see Figure 5.5.7), underneath the second gallery title. If English and French text cannot be displayed adjacent to each other, text is stacked (see Figure 5.5.8).

A representation of exhibit gallery body text
A representation of exhibit gallery body text for a standing visitor
Figure 5.5.7

A representation of English and French exhibit primary body text adjacent to each other as well as stacked together
Figure 5.5.8

Primary Text

Exhibit primary text is composed of a title, a subtitle and body text (see Figure 5.5.9).

Viewing distance and accessibility

Exhibit primary body text is mounted at 1,530 mm above the floor to ensure visibility by visitors who are either seated or standing. Universal Access Points (UAPs) are located at 1,065 mm above the floor (see Figure 5.5.9).

A representation of exhibit primary text for visitors who are in standing or sitting positions
Figure 5.5.9

Exhibit primary title text

Exhibit primary title text is set at 2-5 words for both English and French and is set in Utopia Regular, 250 pt. Exhibit primary title text is consistently stacked, with the English text above the French text, with a clear divider space between the two text chunks (see Figure 5.5.10).

Exhibit primary subtitle text

Exhibit primary subtitle text is set at to 5-8 words in English and 5-10 words in French and is set in Univers Bold, 63 pt. A clear divider space separates the exhibit primary title from the exhibit primary subtitle.

Primary subtitle text in English and French are displayed adjacent to each other, with the associated primary body text consistently stacked below (see Figure 5.5.10).

Exhibit primary body text

Exhibit primary body text is set at 60 words in English and 75 in French and is set in Univers Regular, 50 pt. There is a clear divider space between paragraphs.

English and French primary body text is displayed adjacent to each other (see Figure 5.5.10). If English and French text cannot be displayed adjacent to each other, it is stacked(see Figure 5.5.11).

A representation of exhibit primary body text
A representation of exhibit primary subtitile text

A representation of exhibit primary body text for visitors who are in standing position
Figure 5.5.10

A representation of English and French exhibit primary body text adjacent to each other as well as stacked together
Figure 5.5.11

Alcove Context Panel

Alcove context panel text and is composed of a title, subtitle, body text, images and captions, and secondary text. English and French text panels are clearly delineated by panel background: English text appears on a white background and French on a black background (see Figure 5.5.12).

Viewing distance and accessibility

Alcove context panel body text is mounted at 1530 mm above the floor to ensure visibility by visitors who are either seated or standing. Universal Access Points (UAPs) are located at 1,280 mm above the floor (see Figure 5.5.12).

A representation of alcove context panel body text for visitors in sitting position
Figure 5.5.12

Alcove context panel title text

Alcove context panel title text is set at 2-5 words in English and in French, in Utopia Regular, 175 pt. A clear divider space separates the alcove context panel title from the alcove context panel subtitle (see Figure 5.5.13).

Alcove context panel subtitle text

Alcove context panel subtitle text is set at 5-8 words in English and 5-10 words in French, in Univers Bold, 44 pt. A clear divider space separates the alcove context panel subtitle from the alcove context panel body text (see Figure 5.5.13).

Alcove context panel body text

Alcove context panel body title text is set at 100 words in English and 125 words in French, in Univers Regular, 35 pt. A clear divider space separates the alcove context panel body text from the context panel images and captions (see Figure 5.5.13).

A representation of alcove context panel title, subtitle and body text
A representation of alcove context panel for a visitor in standing position
Figure 5.5.13

Image Caption and Object Label

Image caption and label text is composed of a title and body text and caption/label text (see Figure 5.5.14).

A representation of image caption and object label for visitors in standing and sitting position
Figure 5.5.14

Viewing distance and accessibility

Image caption and label text is mounted at between 890 mm and 1,700 mm above the floor to ensure visibility by visitors who are either seated or standing. Universal Access Points (UAPs) are located at 1,065 mm above the floor (see Figure 5.5.14).

Image caption and object label title text

Image caption and object label title text is set at 2-5 words in English and in French, in Univers Bold, 30 pt. A clear divider space separates the image caption and object label title text from the image caption and object label body text (see Figure 5.5.15).

Image caption and object label body text

Image caption and object label body text is set at 60 words in English and 75 words in French and in Univers Regular, 24 pt (see Figure 5.5.15).

Caption and label text

Image caption and object label text is set at 17 words in English and 20 words in French and in Univers Bold, Univers Regular or Univers Italic, 24 pt (see Figure 5.5.15).

A representation of caption label
A representation of object label
Position of caption and labels on the exhibit wall
Figure 5.5.15

Secondary Text

Secondary text is composed of a title and body text and appears in both horizontal and vertical format (see Figure 5.5.16).

A representation of secondary text in vertical format
A representation of secondary text in horizontal format
Figure 5.5.16

Viewing distance and accessibility

Secondary body text is mounted at 1,530 mm above the floor to ensure visibility by visitors who are either seated or standing. Universal Access Points (UAPs) are located at 1,065 mm above the floor (see Figure 5.5.16).

Secondary title text

Secondary title text is set at 2-5 words in English and in French, in Utopia Regular, 87 pt. A clear divider space separates the secondary title from the secondary body text (see Figure 5.5.17).

Secondary body text

Secondary body text is set at 125 words in English and 150 words in French and in Univers Regular, 35 pt (see Figure 5.5.17).

A representation of secondary title and body text
A representation of the height of secondary text from the floor for a standing person
Figure 5.5.17