6.0 Text-Writing Standards for Exhibitions
While this section focuses primarily on exhibition text, these guidelines also apply to all types of written communications developed by the CMHR including web content, digital media, scripts, programming and educational materials, and all other platforms. The CMHR consults a number of authorities and reference tools when making decisions about language usage for visitor-facing text. The English-language resources are listed in Appendix A. See the French version of this guide for French-language resources.
In this section, we refer to standards outlined in the Museum’s primary English-language reference tool for style, The Canadian Style: A Guide to Writing and Editing, which is accessible online:
The CMHR’s internal style guide documents the decisions made regarding language standards and guidelines for written texts for all Museum contexts to ensure consistent usage and messaging. The CMHR style guide is a collaborative, evergreen project that evolves as the Museum evolves and is therefore subject to change. It is managed holistically by a committee of representatives from the CMHR’s divisions of Public Affairs and Programs, Visitor Experience and Engagement, Corporate Services, and Exhibitions, Research and Design.